Since the ancient times, Honey is been known for its nutritional and medical use. Honey has got enormous health benefits. If you are feeling lethargic, forget about those energy drinks. Honey is the best natural energy booster, as the glucose is immediately absorbed by the body. A toast with honey, a best way to begin your day!
Apart from its energy boosting benefits and sweet taste it is famous for many more health benefits and that is the way it makes your Living Healthy. Let’s take a look on some of its benefits:
- It is well known for its antiseptic properties since ancient Vedic times. It inhibits the growth of certain bacteria and helps to keep the wound free from infections. It also has an anti-inflammatory effect.
- Prevents from Cancer and Heart Diseases: Rich in antioxidants and flavanoids, it may protect you from some cancers and heart disease risk.
- Acts as Probiotics: Some varieties of honey possess helpful bacteria’s. Thus these bacteria helps in smooth and healthy gut functioning.
- Treating Burns: Applying honey externally on cuts or burns with silver sulfadiazine is proven effective. Honey’s anti-bacterial properties help.
- It is used in many herbal products has got a great effect on the skin and your overall health. It has got the property to penetrate deep inside and reach the deepest tissue. Thus, use of honey enhances the medical properties of the herbal products and reach the deepest tissues.
- It is also proven to be effective in nausea, urinary tract infections, improves eyesight, weight loss, bronchial asthma and diarrhea.
- Flaunts Skin: Honey when used with other ingredients helps as a moisturizer and nourishing. Its antibacterial property makes your skin good and helps flaunt it.
Knowing all the benefits of Honey over sugar, you can include 1-2 tsp of honey in your diet and make a healthy living with Honey!
All the best!
by Pooja Jadhav